Ashley Taylor Event Florist

Ashley Taylor Event Florist

Hi there!

I'm Ashley, as a creative soul florals are my outlet, with every wildy affectionate creation comes a little happy dance!  On any given day you’ll find me on the farm, knee deep in field picked blooms (my happy place) or in the garden getting my hands dirty, chatting away to seedlings (it’s only crazy when they start talking back, right?) 
 I’m a country girl at heart, and  fittingly I am impassioned by the quality of your floral's as well as where and how they are grown. Hence this has lead to my collaboration with your local grower,  Botanica Rose Farm. To the best of my ability I support the little guy (the farmer) the one who does it as a labour of love.  Sustainability in the flower world is essential!  
Each unique concept is treasured from the get go, with a  developed bond  between client & creator, right through to the creation of your wildest visions . My ambition is always to capture you character & relay your vibe with rambling garden inspired pieces. With every event I do, my aim is for you to have vivid memories to treasure for years to come. 
Want to chat some more? I’d love to hear from you! 

Let’s chat floral’s.